Where did your interest in simple cooking begin?
The Food Network was always on in my house. My mom would print out recipes we liked from a show, and we’d cook them together for dinner. But instead of following them to the letter, she’d simplify the steps and swap in healthier ingredients while never sacrificing flavor. She taught me that simplicity doesn’t mean bland; in fact, it can elevate the natural flavors of vegetables. Even now, I’m amazed by how many patrons don’t believe us when we say most of our dishes have just four ingredients.
Tell us about your new fast casual Flatiron restaurant, Rooted! Why is simple food, made only with olive oil & as few ingredients as possible so important to you?
Fast casual’s convenience created a better alternative to the paper bag lunch. However something got lost along the way: transparency.
Home cooked meals are incredibly transparent: you know exactly what you’re eating down to the brand of mustard smeared on your sandwich. This isn’t the case for fast-casual restaurants: menus are plagued with hidden ingredients and allergens that only come to light if you read their lengthy (and confusing) nutritional packets.
When I was 20 I developed adult onset allergies - so I became the person that HAD to read these packets. I was shocked: I couldn’t believe how many restaurants were serving low-quality, unhealthy meals while advertising them as nutritious and healthy.
Tired of hidden ingredients but wanting the convenience of fast-casual, we launched Rooted.
Rooted brings transparency back to your lunch plate: every item on our menu is made using only 7 household ingredients or less – including oils and spices. Every ingredient used is also proudly listed on our public facing menu, so patrons will always know exactly what is on their plate.
What’s your favorite part about the New York small business community?
Every day, I’m blown away by the kindness, camaraderie, and support of NYC’s small business community. Restaurant owners have shared contacts, small businesses have offered to promote Rooted, and I’ve met countless people for coffee to talk shop, collaborate, and navigate challenges together. As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to feel alone in the journey, but knowing that others are experiencing the same highs and lows—and are so incredibly supportive—makes all the difference
Where did you get the amazing idea for your Rooted bounty boxes?
I hate when my food touches. I like to decide which items get certain sauces and which items are paired together. That’s why I’ve never liked the bowls most fast-casual restaurants use: some ingredients just don’t go together, yet they all end up mixed and mashed in one pile.
Turns out, I wasn’t alone. That’s what led me to create a salad box with removable compartments. Food stays separate for those who want control over every bite, while still giving mix-it-all-together people the freedom to do just that. And now, we’re actually in patent discussions!
Do you have any dreams of new menu items for the bounty boxes
We may be dreaming of steak…. Stay tuned!
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