Lucca Zeray

Coolstuff Team
July 14, 2023

Meet Lucca, a furniture designer who we met through his innovative approach to NY x Design: putting his entire collection inside of an upgraded U-Haul. We like Lucca because he’s doing the work every New Yorker dreams of: making furniture that can shapeshift from apartment to apartment.

What led you to design your modular furniture piece, The Grid System?

The grid system was a product of growing up in NYC and being very aware of the lack of space and how quality items can really change your domestic life. I have had to move a few times, have helped friends move quite a few more and was noticing how much wasted is created by furniture that just gets thrown out because it can't handle being disassembled and reassembled repeatedly. Lastly, there aren't two apartments in New York that are alike, furniture needs to be fluid and flexible in a city like this. 

Do you have a Grid System piece in your home and how do you use it?

I have a 5x2 in raw and a 4x2 in salt marsh, I move them around a bit, sometimes in the bedroom, sometimes the living room, sometimes on the wall, my home is a place for play. I also try to stress test them, putting as many records as possible on, standing on them, assembling and reassembling repeatedly.

What’s your favorite part about the New York creative community? 

This is a roundabout of an answer but my favorite thing about the creative community is the community. The fact that 9+ million people live here but it can feel like a small town typically. I am able to collaborate with peers, work with vendors and get most things I need within arms reach. It's a really special feeling to exist in a space this big but somehow feels so connected. 

What’s your favorite place in NYC?

The people's playground, Coney Island. Ride the cyclone, eat a hotdog, go swim, hang on the boardwalk what else do you want. 

What’s inspiring you right now? 

Punk, Disco, Soundsystem culture and House movements, nothing good is ever made from having endless resources, constraints lead to creative solutions. The loft parties thrown by David Mancusco were born out of a need for a safe space. Punk happened in response to the   music from the silent generation, house music thrived in underutilized spaces like garages and defunct warehouses. Sound Systems played a key role in the Jamaican political conflict. The byproduct of political and economic strife has almost always led to really interesting and creative byproducts. 

Follow Along:

@lucca_house on Instagram
