Mariela Alexandra

July 26, 2024

Meet Mariela, the founder and creative mind behind custom hat brand, Mains De Vapeur. After receiving her degree in Fashion and Textile Designer from UDEM in Monterrey, Mexico, she was introduced to the millinery world and began designing hats for herself and for friends in a small workshop in downtown Monterrey. A few hat classes and awards later…she now finds herself in the city working out of her studio and creating customizable hats for all seasons.

How did your career in fashion begin?

My fashion journey began while I was studying Fashion and Textile Design in college back in Mexico. I always knew I wanted to pursue a career in fashion, but it wasn't until 2016 that I discovered my passion for millinery. This revelation came when I met my mentor in NYC, who introduced me to this fascinating world. I spent an entire summer learning to make hats using wooden blocks. Following that, I won The Arts of Fashion international competition, which awarded me a masterclass in haute couture in Paris. In Paris, I developed a profound appreciation for pieces that are thoughtfully designed inch by inch and require hours of dedicated work. Upon returning to Mexico, I started my brand and have since dedicated myself to mastering different millinery techniques.

Tell us about your custom hat brand, Mains de Vapeur!

The name Mains de Vapeur, which means "Steam Hands" in French, honors the transformative power of steam in the hat-making process. When I started the brand, I hand-shaped each hat, resulting in organic and asymmetrical forms. At Mains de Vapeur, we offer not only collections but also a bespoke service that aims to reflect our clients' personalities and lifestyles. We pay attention to the smallest details to create hats that make our clients feel comfortable and confident. I aim to find the perfect hat shape for each client who steps into my studio, encouraging them to appreciate this craft and truly have fun with it.

What’s your favorite part about the New York fashion community?

The creative community is what I love most about NYC. Everyone here is eager to expand and open to working together. NYC celebrates individuality, fostering growth and creativity. Sharing both the positive moments and the challenges of entrepreneurship with others in the same boat has been uplifting. In a city where you're constantly competing and interacting with global talent, this sense of community keeps you going and makes you feel grateful every day.

How does your home country of Mexico inspire your designs?

I am incredibly proud of my Mexican roots, and I believe that my country inspires me in countless ways, some more evident and others more subtle. For me, what matters most always comes from within and radiates outward. I find the most valuable aspect of my country in its character, especially in its women. In Mexico, we have a term "percha" that describes that certain something you either have or don't, and Mexican women surely have it. A woman with "percha" doesn't necessarily have to be beautiful; it's more about body language—her way of being, speaking, and being confident in herself.

Mexicans are passionate people; we love deeply, cherish our families, and celebrate joy. This vibrant spirit inspires me to create hats that evoke these feelings. From an external perspective, you can see how my Mexican heritage influences my choice of vibrant colors and my appreciation for the organic and natural—reflecting handmade craftsmanship that feels grounded and connected to the earth.

Do you have a main source of inspiration for hat making?

I love to romanticize life and make special moments out of simple things—I have an old-school spirit that appreciates elegance and the natural essence of things. I enjoy observing and often find inspiration in the color palettes I encounter daily, through flowers, architecture, or a beautifully put-together outfit I see on the street. For me, the most important aspect is the feeling things evoke, so much of my inspiration comes from emotions. My goal is always to inspire confidence and elegance in a way that feels light and effortless.I appreciate a clean aesthetic, which stems from an appreciation of natural beauty—allowing things to be as they are without adding too much, just letting them shine in their own right.  Ultimately, it all comes down to simplicity and finding beauty in the little things.

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