Susan Alexandra

Coolstuff Team
July 24, 2020

Meet Susan, an NYC based accessory designer making some of the most whimsical and covetable handbags. Her beaded pieces go straight from her Chinatown studio to the hands of the COOLEST New Yorkers.

What led you to your career as an artist?
I have always created. Since I was very little, I would craft fantasy worlds. As I grew up, the fear and scarcity set in and I pivoted to pursue a career in business instead, squashing the artist's voice within me. The artist won-but the business person won too. It's really rare that someone can be both at once. I moved to NYC and worked for other designers for years before ever attempting to do my own thing. Once I started making jewelry, the wheels were set in motion and I've just followed this crazy path ever since.

What's your favorite part about the New York creative community?
The support. That there is someone else who gets exactly what you're going through. It is SO healing to not feel alone.

Could you tell us about how you used your platform and skills as a designer to raise money for G.L.I.T.S?
The world is messy, it's been messy and will probably continue to be for a while. It feels daunting. It feels like our voices are not being heard by our leaders and people with accessibility and influence are the ones who are targeted to make change. I am learning every day about what I can do to make this world better. In the spirit of hope and in the spirit that every small bit counts, I am donating percentages of our proceeds to GLITS. GLITS is a charity that provides support, housing, education and resources for LGBTQ BIPOC folx and I'm extremely moved by their work and mission.

Follow along:

@susan_alexandra on Instagram